
Loz Compering

Loz is a circus performer based in Bristol, UK. She has performed professionally for over 10 years in Street Theatre, Cabaret, corporate and public events. Loz loves the variety of her work, one day performing in a local school assembly, the next in Frankfurt for the MTV awards (this did actually happen in 2012).

She is extremely dedicated and passionate about her work: creating high quality acts. Whether that means high-quality hulahoop tricks or high-quality falling over like an idiot, Loz is equally committed to all aspects of her craft. You would frequently see her falling over in the training studio - on purpose, honest.


2008 -present

Corporate and private shows including Toronto International Festival, Sky TV Skyfest, and Henley Arts Festival with FlameOz; and MTV European Music Awards, Mercedes awards night with Cirque Bijou

2008 - present

Lead choreographer and performer for corporate and private shows in Bahrain, Doha, Rome, Cyprus with Flaming Fun.



Udderbelly Festival, Circus Maximus. Hulahoop, Soloist


British Juggling Convention, Gala show Compère


Olympic Torch Relay, Show host/presenter. 70 day UK tour, crowds of up to 76000 people.


Christchurch World Buskers, Toronto World Buskers Festival. Dayshow compère for FlameOz.

Personal History

Loz was brought up in space by space-monkeys. This explains a lot, such as her eating habits and ability to survive in hard vacuum.

She also has a very cool tattoo. She didn't mean to, but these things just happen, you know? One day she was browsing in the library and fell asleep reading the index cards. She woke again in a bus shelter in Norfolk with these spots. Highly worrying, but probably for the best in the end. Hey ho.

Loz brings to any show she does... herself, some kit, and more energy than you could harness if you had a teaspoon of pure sun wired up to a photovore (a creature that eats light). There you have it really. She does other stuff, like talk and walk at the same time, spin hoops, sing (badly) and sit on chairs (badly - you have to see this to believe it. She killed a man once*, but that's another story).

*Don't worry, she didn't really.